live an untamed + unconventional life with

no regrets!
Hey, rebel! I see you. You're wild + fierce
...and ready for more from life.

the adventure of your life starts today


If someone asked you what you would like LESS of in your life

what would you say?





Body shame?

Bad news lovers?



Negative juju?

Rather than subtracting things from your life, let’s try adding things.


I know you want to make the most of your wild and precious life.

Do you crave more...

  • Unshakeable confidence in your ability to smash your goals? 
  • Clarity in why you are here and what you're meant to be doing in the world?
  • Feeling proud of your life and how you're living it?
  • Positive mindset skills so you can get your inner mean girl to shut the hell up and let you get on with it? 
  • Energy so you don’t feel like a slug moving through cement every damn day?
  • Adventure in your life - every day?
  • Freedom… to live life on your terms? 

You want it all right?

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Resources, courses and a killer support group to keep you motivated on your wild journey to a free life.

With a combination of science-backed research and meditative spiritual practices (kind of like if Buddhism and science had a love child) Freedom School™ has what you need to focus that fierce spirit of yours and help you get what you truly want out of life. 

Join me, Ana Verzone, a spiritual mindset coach for rebel women who want the most out of life without dulling the sparkle of their wild souls

I offer untamable womxn the tools they need to achieve everything they’ve ever wanted in life while honoring their adventurous, carefree and freedom-driven lives.

You ready?

You are undefinable in a world that just wants to put you in a box.

You want adventure and freedom… and most importantly you want to stick it to the man and live a life that feels authentic to YOU. 

2 about me 1

About Ana Verzone


I’m not going to beat around the bush here - life's too short for unnecessary crap like that. 

Here are some of my qualifications so you can trust you’re in good hands on this journey and move on to saying YES to joining Freedom School™:  

  • BA Clinical Psychology
  • Doctoral degree in Nursing specializing in stress, resilience, anxiety and burnout
  • Master Certified Life Coach
  • Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher 
  • Completed multiple long silent retreats and studied with Tibetan masters and respected Western teachers like Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach since 1993
  • Functional Medicine Practitioner 
Bottom line?

I’m a freedom seeker.


I had a rough upbringing in a not-so-nice neighborhood. My parents did their best but it wasn’t an easy home to grow up in so I became independent and resilient really early in life. This is good for you because everything I learned on the way made me a better coach. 

I’ve lived many lives - I’ve been an international climbing guide, battled cancer (twice!), dated wonderful and awful men, experienced trauma (haven’t we all?), worked as a midwife, got married (yup - twice), become a mother, almost became a nun (true story - but I just couldn’t ditch the sex and booze at the time), worked as a massage therapist and yoga teacher. I’ve also travelled and lived all over the world.


My mama always told me

‘Never rely on a man for anything.’

And I never have.

Throughout my life I’ve studied. I’ve studied and experienced life in a fierce way (check out my qualifications - I quite like geeking out and having adventures) and I’ve developed a magic combination of spirituality and science to create a solid methodology for my clients.

Freedom. Adventure. Purpose.


I’ve always been a bit rebel and I’ve always been a bit spiritual and sometimes it can be hard to be both.

And then I thought - fuck it - I AM both.

I can party with the best of them under the stars in wild places. I’ve been known to toss f-bombs like a sailor. I’m human and can still lose my cool with my partner over stupid sh*t. I also meditate and do yoga.

I sometimes eat too much (but I balance it out with a green smoothie). I used to drink too much too - but figured that out (whew!).

I believe in science (I have a doctorate!) but I also believe in the power of our minds and what we can achieve when we really focus our energy. 

This life is a miracle. To be alive is fucking mindblowing. To be in this body on this planet at this time. 

I want people to make the most of it. 

I teach people how to go after life with gusto. How to pivot their lives away from the ordinary and fast track it to be extraordinary. 

Want to go an adventure?

Of course you do.


The adventure of your life

starts here

Define your own freedom. Seek unimaginable adventure. Follow YOUR path. You only have one magnificent life. What are you going to do with it? 

  • Are you feeling dissatisfied but you’re not sure why?
  • Are you basically going through the motions of life and not really experiencing it?
  • Do you crave adventure and feel a little bit like your life is like a boring conference you’re being forced to attend?
  • Do you love the idea of meditation and yoga but feel like you’re a bit too loud/naughty/sweary/boozy for that world?

I've seen thousands of rebel womxn struggling with inner conflict. Wanting to live an authentic life but still paying the bills/taking care of themselves/being a good partner/mother and friend. 

With over 25 years of deep dives into science and spiritual experience, I’ve narrowed it down to three main focus areas of ultra happiness and fulfillment.

Freedom. Adventure. Purpose.

With these three elements as your focal points, you can live the intrepid, wild and rebel life you crave without compromise.

Group Of Mature Female Friends Walking Along Path Through Yurt Campsite

Welcome to


This is a place for busy womxn who want to get their shit sorted quickly. It’s full of practical tools that work to help you finally start creating the life you were meant to live.

It has everything you need to get clear about what you want and the courage to go out and get it.

buckle up

I'm coming along for the ride


Here’s what Freedom School will do

for you...
  • Give you a deep dive into cognitive coaching and the engine of Buddhist psychology (and nope - you don't have to be a Buddhist to benefit from the mind science I teach)
  • Provide actionable tips to uplevel your mindfulness in practical ways 
  • Create a functional mind-body connection 
  • Give solutions to real life problems - if you’re fighting with your partner I’m not going to tell you to go meditate on it, I’ll give you a practical solution you can implement right away.
  • Give you peace of mind - I’m a Buddhist geek with too many degrees so you can definitely trust what I say 
  • Let you be you - if you love partying on a Saturday night and spending Sunday in a Netflix daze, I’m not going to judge you. I’ll walk next to you.

“After my first session with Ana I knew I had found someone who truly could help me create the life of my dreams. Working with Ana is absolutely EPIC experience. She has this magical power that will help you smash through whatever is holding you back + help you get you ah-freaking-mazing clarity on what you TRULY want.

It’s been a few weeks since I started working with her and I use the tools that she taught me to make inspired decisions  about my life + business daily. I’m on the road to creating a life packed full of adventure, creativity + FUN!! Thank you ANA!!”

Sarah Hart

Creative Director

So what do I get in Freedom School?

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A Q&A special that’s sent out every month, where I answer the questions for folks that couldn’t make the live calls.

$50 value

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Instant access to Freedom School’s exclusive library of extensive courses - including ANY new course I create (see below for 3 of the courses you get instant access to)


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Gorgeous monthly workbooks with activities and tools for the topic of the month.

$100 value

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Live coaching: 3 live group coaching calls per month, so you can ask all your questions and have them answered live. These are all recorded if you can’t make it!

$500 value

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Instant access to the current month’s training videos and materials (new content released each month).

$200 value

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Instant access to the private Facebook group. Freedom Junkies here tend to not spend a ton of time on FB and instead connect on live calls, virtual retreats, and in-person retreats. However, if you need support or have a question, you can ask it instantly and Ana will personally answer your question. (Doing a social media detox? Good for you! There's a way to post questions anonymously right from the course platform - no FB required). That sense of access to support is priceless. Trust me. 

but let’s say $200 value for kicks

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NEW BONUS: Instant access to my collection of Seasonal Cleanses - we do these all together as a group each season. Success in numbers PLUS it helps you book in four cleanses each year without even thinking about it. The mind and body are connected so it’s important to include our bodies in the program. After all, no one has attained enlightenment eating doritos on the couch.

$800 value


That’s over $3400 VALUE per month

not even including the other BONUSES!...and you can grab it for just $97 a month!


Resources, courses and a killer support group to keep you motivated on your wild journey to a free life.


Still want to learn more? I'm the same way. Don't worry - you can get all the details below!


Getting Sh*t Done

Committing, taking massive action and throwing yourself 100% behind this wild journey to total freedom. You'll learn how to set goals and do what it takes to make them a reality.



How to create authentic relationships with your family, friend or lover that truly nourish BOTH of you. How to stop blaming how you feel on other people (no one likes that!) and needing other people to help you feel good. Oh, and dating? Yes, we've got you covered. You'll learn how to confidently step into the dating scene on YOUR terms.


Stop Buffering

How to stop using external things to make us feel better. Do you overdrink, overeat, overNetflix? This is for you, rebel overdoer. I get you.


Body Freedom

How to live in a body and give it the respect and attention it deserves. And  hormones? Oh yeah - manage them at any age, work with not against your cycles and embrace the beauty, fury and wonder of being a fierce female.


Mindful Self Compassion + Radical Self Care

How to take care of yourself so you can cultivate the courage to do hard shit in the world. 


How to Change Your Past

Detox your brain - clear out negative thought patterns and old stories about your past that no longer serve you. We learn how to rewrite the past so it better serves us - where we are the heroine of our own epic life. Learn how to stop the habitual patterns and create the life you are meant to live.


Time Management and Preventing Overwhelm

How to organize your life and your mind like a total boss. And with the Summer Reset, you'll also get your body ready to take on the amazing new goals you've planned for.


Resilience + Self Confidence

How to bounce back better when life gets hard (because it will) and when you have to deal with difficult people.


Meditation + Spiritual Practices for Rebels

Not your zen-rock-garden-type of meditation course. This one is for rebels who have a hard time sitting still long enough or often enough for the old-school approach.


Letting Go

How to clear out what no longer serves you (stuff, emotions, thoughts, and yes, even people).


Mastering Emotional Wellness

Next level skills for how to manage your emotions so they don’t have control over you. How to deal with being in a funk, difficult people, challenging situations, anxiety and overwhelm.


Setting Epic Goals for the New Year

Resolutions are so boring. How to reflect on and learn from your past (so you don’t make the same mistakes), stop bad habits and build new ones, and set goals that will blow your own mind.


“Before I did Ana’s program I was in a funk. Not that life was bad,  I just felt personally stuck and needed some more skills, specifically her ”Jedi mind” skills.  Not only did I get out of my funk, I lost weight, improved my co-parenting relationship and my business income increased (no joke – abundance affirmation works!) all within 7 weeks…coincidence? Not really, just great a coach and program that helped create momentum for change and a willingness to take on living my BEST LIFE, out of the box. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!“

Melissa Cooley

Visionary artist, Yogini, mother of twins, and owner of a yoga studio, Ashland, OR


4 deep dive courses
Mindset Bootcamp

A 4 week course to retrain your brain.

$250 value

Drink Less, Feel Free_Colour

How to finally change your relationship with alcohol.

$400 value

Stop Overeating_Colour

Learn how to eat to live a free life - not live to eat. 

$600 value

Ziji Up! Confidence Course V02

Take the action you need to create the life you were meant to live.

$400 value

...AND THERE'S MORE! (of course)

bonus course workbooks

$150 value

Bonus Icon 1

7- day Clarity + Courage Course

How to get clear about what you want and cultivate the courage to do what it takes to get it.

Bonus Icon 2

How to Get Shit Done

How to stop procrastinating and not following through on your commitments. How to take massive action.

Bonus Icon 3

Modern Emotional Wellness

Learn how what USED to work for our brains no longer serves us in the modern day, and how we can retrain it for modern emotional health.



“With her guidance I built a new foundation for my life, relationships, dreams, and desires. I can’t begin to express how pivotal having her in my life at this time and this place was for me. I’m so grateful I found her and she works from a pure place of passion and dedication. I can’t tell you how many times we both got goosebumps during our sessions due to such rapid changes, energy shifts, and all over positive transformations. Thank you Ana.”

Chase McKenna

Actress and Master Hypnotherapist, Los Angeles, CA

This is for you if…

  • You want to create more freedom in your life, inside and out
  • You want to live with the authentic expression of yourself while kicking the shit out of your goals at the same time
  • You want to stop caring so much about what other people think about you, or worrying about what might go wrong
  • You want to learn to walk through this life with authenticity, integrity and damn lot of sparkle
  • You're ready to change your life
FS retreat
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This isn’t for you if…

  • You need to be treated with kid gloves 
  • You’re skeptical about the powers of the mind - I don’t work with doubters 
  • You want someone else to do the work for you 
  • You prefer a calm and gentle approach… I’m too much a rebel for that


Altogether, YOU ARE GETTING...

  • How to Take Action and Achieve Your Goals
  • Relationships
  • How to Stop Buffering
  • Body Freedom 
  • Mindful Self Compassion 
  • How to Re-write Your Past and Detox your brain and body 
  • Time Management and Preventing Overwhelm 
  • Resilience + Self Confidence
  • Meditation + Spiritual Practice for Rebels
  • Letting Go 
  • Mastering Emotional Wellness 
  • Setting Epic Goals for the New Year


... these bonus courses ...

A 4 week course to retrain your brain.

$250 value


How to finally change your relationship with alcohol.

$400 value


Learn how to eat to live a free life - not live to eat. 

$400 value


Take the action you need to create the life you were meant to live.

$600 value

... and these ebook courses ...
Bonus Icon 1

7- day Clarity + Courage Course

How to get clear about what you want and cultivate the courage to do what it takes to get it.


How to Get Shit Done

How to stop procrastinating and not following through on your commitments. How to take massive action.


Modern Emotional Wellness

Learn how what USED to work for our brains no longer serves us in the modern day, and how we can retrain it for modern emotional health.

NEW BONUSES ADDED! ($800 value)

Seasonal Cleanses 1

New year Detox

Seasonal Cleanses 4

Spring Cleanse

Seasonal Cleanses 2

summer reset cleanse

Seasonal Cleanses 3

fall cleanse

Mastermind Virtual Retreat


an intimate 1/2 day of coaching


Next session: October 7 2024 from 2-5pm Pacific/5-8pm Eastern

(Spring 2024 replay available upon signup)

  • 1/2 day of transformational coaching with you, Ana, and an intimate squad of like-minded rebel women
  • $500 value 
  • Get clear about the life you want to create
  • Come up with solid steps for how to start creating it - right away
  • You won't get lost in a Zoom call with pages of people - this will be small. Raise your hand and your question WILL get answered - and you'll be coached - by Ana
  • The most recent session has passed, but you can watch the replay and do the entire retreat on your own time and get coached on the weekly live calls - and save the dates for the next one!
  • Worried you can't come to the next virtual retreat? No worries. It will be recorded for you to watch from home. You'll be emailed all the workbooks to do it on your own time
  • ... and more 
There's more...


Annual Retreat

2 1/2 days of transformation


2024 dates: August 25-27 ON THE KENAI PENINSULA OF ALASKA

  • 2 1/2 days of transformational coaching. In 2023 it will be in the adventure capital of the world, Alaska. 
  • $1500 value per retreat (your registration is paid for)*
  • Bring a friend for FREE
  • Freedom School swag
  • In-person (OMG remember that?!)
  • Wild woman dance party (of course!)
  • Optional altered states experience
  • .. and more
  • This retreat happens every year - the 2023 retreat has already happened, so save the dates for 2024

* does not include airfare/transportation, lodging or meals except for our mocktail/cocktail party - which will be amazing!

You ready? of course!

Your investment


Payment Plan

  • Access to Freedom School's library of courses and content
  • Bonus content
  • Access to online Q&A M-F via the Facebook group
  • Live group coaching calls
  • Free annual in-person 2 1/2-Day retreat (attendance is optional) Next retreat August 25-27, 2024 in Alaska*
  • Spend a ½ day with me in the transformational UPLEVEL retreat - a small intimate online gathering where we will get clear about your dreams and desires for the next year and learn key strategies to make them happen. Offered twice a year.
  • And...Invite a friend to the retreat for free!
  • Note: we have a limited number of partial scholarships available for BIPOC and LGBTQIA+, and applicants with financial need. If this is you, please email us and we will see if you qualify.


  • Everything in the payment plan PLUS:
  • Save $167! Use the cash for something fun. You deserve it.
  • Attend the UPLEVEL virtual 1/2 day retreat TWICE a year
  • A guided online group altered states expereince (optional)
  • The inner confidence that comes from knowing you've committed a year to this level of growth

* does not include air, lodging or meals ... except for an amazing cocktail party!

if you've gotten this far

you definitely need to stop getting stuck in confusion and sign up


“Ana has been my rock these past six months and exactly the person I was looking to have in my corner to grow my business. She has done the work and has so much experience with coaching and best business practices. She knows so many tips and tools that I had no clue about. Examples: Fiverr! Hello! Where has that service been all of my life! Virtual Assistant? Yes please, I’ll take two. It was really great to bounce ideas off her and for her to come back with so much immediate and useful insight, suggestions, and guidance.

Ana helped me do the thing that I have struggled most in life with: Clarity! Because getting clear about who I am, who I attract, and being able to articulate it all to others is step one to abundant success! Hands down, this has been worth the price of Ana’s admission!

Hire Ana, she’s worth it.”

Kelly Summersett


Our NO RISK guarantee


If after you’ve done the work for 30 days and you see no changes, I offer a full refund. You need to show you’ve actively participated: show that you’ve done the thought work assignments and worksheets for the month, attended at least one live call (or showed notes from actively listening to one), and engaged in the discussion group. Because if you do that, it will work. Guaranteed. If not, you get 100% of your money back - no problem.

so no excuses, right?




Dr. Ana Verzone is a Master Certified Life Coach specializing in helping women discover their power and live their truth – creating lives of true freedom, inside and out. She is the founder of Freedom School and is the host of the top-rated Rebel Buddhist™ Podcast.

An undeniable multi-passionate, Ana has (nerd alert) a degree in Psychology, a master’s degree in family nursing, a post-master’s degree in nurse-midwifery, a doctoral degree in nursing, and a post-doctorate in psychiatric mental health from Johns Hopkins University. She has also completed training with MAPS and a fellowship in Integrative Psychiatry as well as Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy training. She has 4 life coaching certifications, having been mentored by key founders of the life coaching profession and has completed a 2-year teacher training with Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach. Her first long retreat? In 1994 she meditated for a month in the Himalayas. When she’s into something, she’s all in - including with her clients.

Academics is easy for her. Guiding women like you is her superpower – so imagine what you’re in for.